japan wireless wifi

All posts tagged japan wireless wifi


Published September 15, 2017 by aderuhime

Hi Guys~
Welcome to my post again, and here is the review and how to order wifi as per request from several friends that asking about recommended wifi in Japan.

Well, I’m basically using only 1 vendor which is from japan-wireless.com during my trip in Japan, and I can easily give them 5-star for their services. The coverage is great, the internet speed is awesome, easy to order, and the most important thing is the affordable price. So, let’s start~!



Okay, first of all, let’s find out about their products, and choose it wisely according to your needs, Please go to this link: Japan Wireless Products

and you might see this page :

jawi product page

As you see, there are 3 kinds of products that you can choose: economy package, premium package, and business package.  The differences between those packages are mostly in Speed, Price, and the battery power. I was choosing the economy package since it’s only Anggie and me that using the wifi.

It is said that the battery only lasts for 4 hours by continuous usage, but in reality, it lasts longer than the description, like 10-12 hours, and after that, you have to plug in the provided power bank to support the battery (yesh you see it right, they provided a power bank to extended your browsing-time, so you don’t have to really worried about the battery). The speed is also fast (compared to the one that I had back in Indonesia XD) and it’s really helpful since I will be back and forth opening the google map on my cell phone LOL (it’s my first time going to Japan anyway).



So, You’ve found the type of product that you need? ok, it’s time to order it, please click the order page   

And you’ll see this on your screen:

order page

As you see, you have to insert some informations, such as: which type that you want to order, the pick-up date, insurance fees (I chose “no, I will take all risks for loss or damage”), approximate pick-up time, the location, etc. I’ve made it send to Narita Airport Post Office on 3rd Floor. Then, Japan Wireless sent me an email about the postage receipt number around 3-2 days before my departure to Tokyo, and I just have to show the email to the post office staff along with my passport to get my package (all you have to deal with just how to located the post office, since not many people who speak english in narita, would be great if you learn to talk in Japanese a little).



I was made the payment via paypal since it is faster and safer this way. So, please don’t forget to make a paypal account before ordering.


Okay, That’s all you need to order a wifi unit via Japan Wireless.com

Wait, that’s all? Yupps darlie, that’s all you need, if there’s anything else you can ask me through comment section or see the steps directly from Japan wireless rental steps

Here are some photos that I’ve uploaded using wifi from Japan wireless during my stay in Japan:

Thanks for your attention and don’t forget to have fun !!~




Japan Wireless Wifi Review : Wifi pilihan ku selama berlibur ke Jepang

Published Desember 16, 2016 by aderuhime

Banyak yang nanya apa aku roaming selama di jepang? Jawabannya NO

Selama di jepang aku sewa router wifi via japan-wireless.com dan ini recommended abis karena internetnya cepet bgt juga baterenya awet

Sengaja pilih yg paket economy wifi dgn kecepatan 21Mbps dan ketahanan batere 4 jam (menurut web nya tapi menurut kita baterenya awet banget2 karena kita nyalain dari jam 7 pagi baru rewel minta dicolok ke power bank sekitar jam 7 mlm, dan dr sananya kita dikasih power bank tambahan merk xiaomi yg ternyata cepet panas n ga tahan lama 😅😅) karena perginya cm berdua jd biar patungannya jg ga terlalu berat, 6 hari cuma kena ¥5000 yen plus shipping fee (ongkir) total jadi ¥5500 atau sekitar Rp. 600.000 an ~

Kemaren aku minta jawi ( japan wireless ) kirim router wifi yang ku sewa ke post office di bandara narita terminal 2, dan yg perlu kita lakukan buat pengambilan cukup dengan kasi liat passport dan no resi yg dikirimin sama japan wireless via email +-2hr sebelum tanggal keberangkatan kita disana, jangan lupa cek nama kalian di paketnya yaa, pastiin ga salah apalagi sampai tertukar dengan punya orang.
*Fyi: (post office ada di lt.3 narita airport, jadi begitu sampe narita silahkan ambil lift ke lantai tiga dan susurin area sebelah kiri, krn post office ada di deretan lift tempat kalian keluar)

#reviewjapanwireless.com #sewawifireview #sewawifijepang

(I make the review available in english on my instagram : @slqueenadeline )

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